Open-Source in Education Myths Debunked

Erin posted a link in her Jaiku to an interesting article in Campus Technology about a report that claims that open-source software is “poised for surge in education.”

Great article. I am huge supporter of open-source applications, if you couldn’t tell by now. Of course, as I was reading the article, I hit the obligatory warning about the “pitfalls” of open-source applications. I’m not blind with love for open-source; I know it is not perfect. No program, whether open-source or proprietary, is going to be without its drawbacks. But many seem to be determined to paint all open-source programs with the same broad “pitfall” stroke. I wanted to look at two common myths surrounding open-source and debunk them a little bit (with quotes straight from the article above).

  1. “Maintaining and upgrading open source solutions is not a simple process.”

    Ever heard of the dummies series of books? I have been using open-source programs for years now, all as a non-IT person. I’ve never found them to be difficult to maintain or upgrade. I’ve never actually had to do any maintenance at all. That is like saying that maintaining a home computer is not a simple process. It all depends on what you get and how you use it – you may never have to maintain a thing!
  2. “There is no one at the end of a phone to help fix glitches–as with proprietary software.”

    People always seem to assume that if you don’t whip out the plastic when you are in the middle of doing something, then it is “free.” “Proprietary always gives you free support.” Ummm….. no…. nothing is free. They just roll the cost into the final product. Most medium to large open-source projects can point you to some company that you can pay to get phone support. Overall cost is going to end up being the same or less that what is rolled in to proprietary products.But, my question – is phone tech support ever really that great? It’s hit and miss at best. What if the person on the other end of the phone is an idiot? What if it is not 24 hour service, and you need help after hours? What if they have to put you on hold for an hour? This is assuming that a company even offers service – some don’t, believe it or not.

Hopefully, someday we will stop comparing open-source to proprietary and just compare product to product, regardless of the status of its source code. that’s the only fair way to look at this issue. Not all open-source programs are the same, just as not all proprietary programs are the same.

Thank You! Quote of the Day

Jean-Claude Bradley (e-learning coordinator for the College of Arts and Sciences, and an associate professor of chemistry, at Drexel University):

“There’s a misconception out there that students are very tech-savvy and following all these blogs and wikis and Second Life. That’s not true. The vast majority have never been [to Second Life].”

I’ve been ranting for a while on the whole digital native myth. Glad to see that I am not the only one that sees it.

The rest of the story is also very interesting:

Creating Life-Size Molecules in Second Life

The Great Copy Protection Debate

Like it or not, the great copy protection debate is sucking education into it’s vast void of murky confusion. Fair Use law or suggestions or whatever they are supposed to be called in education have been poorly defined and confusingly tricky for decades. Now we get the pleasure of murking it up even more with record companies and television giants and all kinds of other people who are trying to protect their money above all things jumping in to the fray.

The New York Times is publishing a series of articles that looks at this issue (more from a legal issue than an educational issue, but still with major educational implications). Both sides of the debate are represented by a fairly balanced individual. I guess you could see the two sides as being the ones that want restrictions or locks places on digital media (books, music, movies, video, etc), and those that want them removed totally. The debate can be found at this link.

The general counsel of NBC represents, well, I bet you can pick which side they represent (pro-lock), and a Columbia Law professor represents the other (anti-lock). Now, I have to say – I agree that you shouldn’t steal stuff that you don’t have the legal right to own. But I have to say that the non-protection lock down side makes much better points in round one.

The problem that I have with the pro-lock NBC side is that I am American. In America, we believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. The pro-lock side seems to believe that we are guilty until proven innocent. They rely on the thought that the speed of transmission of files means that they have to clamp down as a “speed bump” to discourage honest people from becoming dishonest. Technically, though, in an “innocent-until-proven-guilty” society, you would have to go after the people that downloaded the files, and then prove that they don’t have the right to own a copy of the file. Anything that goes beyond that (including prosecuting those that offer the files for download) steps into a “guilty-until-proven-innocent” mindset. I can a set a CD out on the sidewalk for any one to see, but no crime is committed until some one walks along and steals it. You can’t give up going after individual down loaders just because it gets hard.

Of course, that last sentence or two kind of uses a bit of logic that the pro-lock side uses. But not to the same effect. They address the fact that every lock can be picked: “Despite the existence of lock picks, identity thieves, and hackers, cars and homes still have locks, e-mail accounts have passwords, and computers have firewalls.” The only problem with that is, these locks have proven effective. A car lock has proven to cut down on your chances of being broken in to by a large percentage. Digital locks seem to have about a zero percent success rate so far. And breaking in to a locked car causes damage to the car – which also doesn’t happen when cracking a locked file. Stop comparing apples to oranges, please.

And, sorry pro-lockers – the technology just isn’t there to prove very good locks. No matter how much you try to guilt geeks in to admitting that they are, the geeks won’t lie. The technology just isn’t there yet. MySpace and Soapbox filters seem to have prevented much more legal blocking that illegal blocking.

My big question – how do you tell if someone has the rights to upload their own content? Won’t that become a first come, first serve basis deal? If I make an independent film, but a competitor steals it from me, they can jump online and claim that they have the digital rights to it. I can sue in court and win it back, but the protected files in his name are already out there and will cause mass confusion and headaches for me when I start to try and get my stuff back out there the right way.

I believe that we will find a way to protect stuff better, and I think that it is a great idea to search for something like that. But I also believe in creating better business models that don’t require the sale of physical products or even the transfer of files. The entertainment industry is just trying to keep an ancient business model alive – one that most consumers never liked in the first place. Let’s face it – who really liked buying a whole album just to find out that the song on the radio was the only good song on the whole disc? Who really loved building up a tape collection only to have tapes go obsolete – forcing you to re-buy all of your albums on CD? Who jumped for joy at the fact that tapes, records, VHS tapes, soft cover books, and CDs wear out and break easily, forcing you to buy an entire new album at full price just to fix that.

I would bet that a true comprehensive study of the loss in revenues for companies would show that they lost money most from people that stopped re-buying broken stuff, or stopped wasting money on an album full of filler, or stopped upgrading formats every few years. Every person that I have ever know to download music still spent the same amount of money on CDs that they did before they could download. Personally, I stopped buying new CDs or DVDs once I discovered I could wait a few months to buy them used on Ebay or Amazon for $3-4. You never see companies talking about that.

The real problem with digital files is that they kill all of these ways that companies had of raking us for extra money. Instead of buying a whole album of fluff to get the one song that they actually spent money on, you can just buy and download that one good song. Digital files never scratch as CDs and DVDs do (but they can be erased) – so the companies lose a sizable replacement income on them. And, since they are digital, they will easily convert into new future formats with no or very low cost to the consumer. Upgrade income is also a sizable amount of the income for many companies.

I just wish that movie companies would see the massive amount of extra income they are missing out on by not giving away movies to teachers. When I taught Junior High Science, I would mention scenes from the movie Twister to my students when studying weather. So many students would proclaim – every class period – “I love that old movie! When Mr. So-and-So showed that in 5th Grade, I made my parents go out and buy a copy!” But, sadly, Mr. So-and-So probably got sued for showing it in class. Can’t see the forest for the trees and all….

Wii + Microsoft Surface = Minority Report HCI?

Happy New Years folks!! Since Matt has us thinking about the future, I figured I’d post this video I just found. (I love getting glimpses of what might become the future of human computer interface!) This brief video clip demos new technology that combines the Wii with Microsoft’s Surface technology to become very similar to what we saw in Minority Report.

Predictions for the New Year

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to everyone! With the dawning of the new year, I thought I would share with you my top 12 predictions for 2008:

  • Online distance education will continue to grow. If you don’t believe this one, you are on the wrong blog. Speaking of which….
  • The blog will finally die out. Again, for about the 5th time? How many years have the “experts” been predicting the death of the blog now? I am not predicting that this will actually happen, I am just predicting that this will be predicted and assured by many an expert, and will, once again, not happen.
  • A whole slew of people will discover the terms “digital native” and “digital immigrant” and annoy me by propagating these misguided terms. They aren’t very accurate, and they ignore the concept of the “digital divide.” See the beginnings of my rant on this issue here. Which leads me to my next prediction:
  • I will continue my campaign to end the use of the terms “digital native” and “digital immigrant.” So there.
  • The RIAA will continue its “customer appreciation policy” by suing a lot of people that didn’t really need to be sued in addition to ignoring those that really do need to be sued. It’s time for the entertainment industry to finally leave behind it’s archaic systems. Please.
  • People will continue to predict the end of the LMS/CMS/VLE. Which, again, won’t happen. Some feel that these will be replaced by social networks. Despite the fact that Moodle is based on social networking.
  • People will continue to be confused over the difference between “LMS” and “CMS” and “VLE.” Can we just pick one and move on? I don’t care which one… just farkle for it and move on….
  • Many will continue to question the educational validity of Second Life and say things like it is falling far short of expectations. Just like they did for this little thing called the World Wide Web back in the 90s. Wonder what became of that crazy idea….
  • Many will continue to “prove” how bad the iPhone is. Because they are jealous of those that have one. I know I am.
  • Everyone will continue to try and take down Google. And they will still fail. But many will try.
  • Microsoft will make a ton of money. Because we are all still forced to use their products every day. Not that this is a bad thing, as long as we can still get the funny Mac commercials.
  • EduGeek Journal will continue to add features that we forget to actually use. Like the podcast, Geek Chat, EdTech TV, etc. You can’t blame us for trying, right? We do all have real jobs, after all…